Roasted Turkey with Butternut and Thyme

Roasted Turkey with Butternut and Thyme

A fun twist on a Thanksgiving classic. This recipe be enjoyed in the fall winter months as a warming meal that the whole family will love, or even in the warmer months, as leftovers can be layered in sandwich bread or a pita to create a hearty meal for a picnic or on the go.


·      1 whole skin on boneless turkey breast (2-3 lbs)

·      1 bottle of LIVWELL Tuscan Butternut and Sage Sauce

·      2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil

·      1 TBSP minced garlic

·      2 TBSP chopped fresh parsley

·      ½ TSP fresh thyme

·      1 TSP salt

·      ¼ TSP fresh ground pepper



·      Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place turkey skin side up on roasting pan or baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

·      Combine olive oil, garlic, parsley, thyme salt and pepper in small bowl, and massage mixture into turkey breast. Make sure entire skin side up of turkey is covered with the marinade.

·      Place turkey in the oven and bake 20 minutes per pound until golden brown on the top and cooked throughout.

·      Meanwhile, heat entire LIVWELL sauce in small sauce pan on low heat until warm throughout.

·      Remove turkey from oven, and let cool for 10 minutes.

·      Next, with a  serving spoon add about 1 cup of sauce to each plate as base. Slice turkey in ½- 1 inch pieces. Add turkey slices to top of sauce and garnish with fresh herbs. This dish also pairs well with roasted greens like brussell sprouts or asparagus, and/or root vegetables. Delicious!

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